Who we are



At CASICO we are consultants in the areas of commercial, purchasing, investment, strategy and international trade. Our objective is to promote the international expansion of our clients through the methodology and resources that our team makes available to them, with a professional, close and personalised service, which makes us unique.

The founder and director of CASICO, is Rafael Cascales Sisniega, executive president of ACOCEX, Spanish Association of Foreign Trade Professionals; president of ATEC, Spain China Tourism Association; founder of VSTI, Vietnam Spain Tourism Institute; professor and speaker on foreign trade and Asia in universities and business schools in Spain, with more than 25 years of experience in the sector.

If you are thinking about importing, exporting, Asia, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Southeast Asia, purchasing, marketing, foreign trade, market entry services, market research, business agendas, investment, training, quality, financial analysis… we are your perfect partner.

Some of our clients